How to Skip Intro in Outriders

The Outriders demo is out already and we are getting closer to the release date of the full game. Players have been complaining about the very issue that they are forced to see intro video clips every time they start the game. Outriders ofcoruse, is not the only game that has this issue. Many games do however, luckily, there is a method through which you can skip those Intro Videos in Outriders and jump directly to the menu.

How To Skip Movie Intro in Outriders

‘People can fly’ intro can be easily skipped by using the following method:

You have to just move to the install location means the location where the game is installed. Following the steps below you will correctly locate the destination you are required to reach.

Steam>steamapps>common>OUTRIDERS Demo>Madness>Content>Movies.

Now the next step after you reach movies is to delete the file: “splash_screens.umovie”

This is the last step and after you complete this you will no more see the intro while playing the game. It goes without saying that you need to do these steps once you are out of the game. Also, it is always a wise choice to make a backup of game files before deleting them so before you delete/rename the “umovie” file, make a backup of it so you can paste it back if something goes wrong.

How to Skip Intro Prologue in Outriders

Select the character of your choice>Save character>Proceed To Lobby.

Here an option tab pops out that “skip all the intro from beginning”. Click yes. Now carry on regular procedure and you will see there will be no intro when you start This would hopefully work out to skip the intro.

Naturally, people won’t prefer to play the Prologue every time they make a new character and in games like Outriders, most gamers usually use multiple characters.