New Sony Patent Aims to Help Players Through Data Driven Tips

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Strategy guides are probably one of the most valuable assets that a gamer can have. Now, a new Sony patent patent is aiming to take that sort of aid digitally, by creating a system to help players through games based on data and statistics. The background in the patent justifies its existence: Video games are … Read more

Sony Has A Patent for “What-IF” Gameplay Replays

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Gameplay replays is not a new thing. However, have you ever wondered watching your gameplay replay that what would have happened if things would have gone differently in that replay? Well, while you can visualize all those what-if scenarios in your brain, you can’t really use them or show them to someone else. Sony Interactive … Read more

New AMD Patent Describes Methods for “Automatic Memory Overclocking”


While computer hardware these days adjust the core clocks dynamically, if you want increase the memory clocks, you need to increase them manually. It seems like AMD is exploring ways to make the memory clocks dynamic automatically as mentioned in a recently published patent: Automatic memory overclocking, including: increasing a memory frequency setting for a … Read more

Nintendo Patents “Attestation Program” To Fight Cheating, Software Changes


When it comes to Nintendo, they are quite touchy about their products whether, it’s hardware or software. While there is nothing wrong in protecting your IPs, the Japanese video games company sometimes uses extreme methods (content on Youtube for instance) to block their content and also face some criticism in the community for these methods. … Read more

EA Patent Describes “Personas” to Present Customized Content to Players

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It’s a common observation in online/multiplayer games that different players prefer to play different game maps or game modes. Over the years, developers have used voting system to decide to what type of content could come next during a play session however, that still leaves some players playing some content that doesn’t draw their interest. … Read more

New Sony Patent Describes Ways to Summarize Notifications on User Display

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In the modern day, social elements have become very important when it comes video games and video game consoles. Big companies like Sony Interactive Entertainment and Microsoft are always trying to to improve the social experiences for players with different updates on the respective consoles. With the release of PS5 and Xbox Series, these social … Read more